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Winning an Appeal

Kassouni Law offers a team of Los Angeles and Sacramento-based research attorneys with a thorough command of the law. Our California appeal lawyer team has extensive experience representing clients at all appellate court levels, and offers comprehensive trial court experience. If you or your business suffered an adverse trial court ruling, or received a favorable trial court ruling which you want to uphold on appeal, please consider calling us for a consultation. Our pledge to clients is an honest assessment of costs to proceed (if necessary), a reality-based evaluation of prevailing should the case continue, and the development of a legal strategy tailored specifically to each and every client. Office or telephonic evaluations can be provided for an affordable flat fee and comprehensive appellate litigation services are offered at much lower rates than most other legal offices in the major California metropolitan areas. Initial evaluations can be provided by calling (877) 770-7379.

Read more about lead attorney Tim Kassouni here. Peruse the attorneys’ results here.

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN AN APPEAL IS WON? More from the Sacramento and Los Angeles appeal lawyer team at Kassouni Law…

A successful appeal does not always end litigation. For example, the appellant may argue on appeal that the jury was given an erroneous instruction on the law, and that it was reasonably probable that a different verdict would have been issued had the instruction been accurate. If the court of appeal agrees, it would not issue a judgment in favor of the plaintiff or defendant. Rather, it would remand the case back to the trial court with direction that a new trial be held with the correct [gs jury instruction]. This is an important consideration, as a new trial will take place. It is not unusual for the same case to have more than one court of appeal decision for this very reason.

In other instances the court of appeal decision will end the litigation. If you are the respondent, having received a favorable trial court judgment, and the court of appeal affirms that judgment, you have won the case. The only remedy left for the appellant is review in the California Supreme Court or the United States Supreme Court.

Offering comprehensive appellate court experience to clients, our Sacramento and Los Angeles appeal lawyer team represents clients at all appellate court levels including the California Court of Appeal, the Federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the California Supreme Court, and the United States Supreme Court. Consider calling the California appeal lawyers at Kassouni Law for a consultation. You can count on the California appeal lawyers at Kassouni Law to listen to your legal concerns, give an honest assessment of your case’s legal merits, and deliver unparalleled personalized legal representation.

Serving clients throughout the jurisdiction of California, the Federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court:

California Civil Appeals
California Federal Appeals
Montana Federal Appeals
Washington Federal Appeals
Oregon Federal Appeals
Alaska Federal Appeals
Nevada Federal Appeals
Hawaii Federal Appeals
Idaho Federal Appeals
Arizona Federal Appeals
US Trust Territory of Guam Federal Appeals
US Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Federal Appeals

Contact a California Appeal Attorney