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Court of Appeal Writ Proceedings

Kassouni Law offers a team of research attorneys with a thorough command of the law to every appeal client. Our Sacramento and Los Angeles appeal lawyers have extensive experience representing clients at all appellate court levels, and also have comprehensive trial court experience. To have an appellate matter evaluated by one of our experienced Los Angeles and Sacramento appeal attorneys call (877) 770-7379.

More on the appeals process and court of appeal writ proceedings from the Los Angeles and Sacramento appeal attorneys at Kassouni Law…

Within the process of appeals, occasionally, legal strategy calls for a writ attorney to file what is known as a writ to seek the aid of the court of appeal before there is even a final judgment in the case. The process of which is called writ proceedings. A writ is essentially an order from the Court commanding a private or governmental entity to do something. Writs are another non-monetary remedy available to a plaintiff. In many instances, California statutes require one to file a lawsuit with a writ cause of action.

For example, a property owner may have wrongfully been denied a permit to construct a home or a commercial business. The property owner can file a lawsuit claiming that the permit should have been issued. If the property owner wins, the Court will sign a document called a writ, which will have language ordering the government to issue the permit.

Another example, you are the defendant in a case, and the plaintiff seeks highly sensitive documents in discovery proceedings, such as tax returns or proprietary business information. Generally, this type of information is privileged. If the trial court errs and forces the disclosure of the information, your remedy is to file a writ of mandate in the court of appeal to prevent the disclosure of the documents. If compelling circumstances such as this are present, you will have a good chance of obtaining a writ from the court of appeal to prevent the disclosure of the documents. These writs must be filed very quickly, thus it is imperative to consult with an appellate attorney to determine if your circumstance justifies a court of appeal writ. Additionally, prior to any consult, verify the appeal attorney has time in his/her schedule to act within the mandated/statutory timeframes to file a writ.

If you or your business would like a legal strategy assessment or evaluation as to whether or not a writ is the best way to proceed in your legal matter, consider calling the Sacramento and Los Angeles appeal and writ attorneys at Kassouni Law for a consultation. You can count on the Los Angeles and Sacramento appeal attorneys at Kassouni Law to listen to your legal concerns, give an honest analysis of your case’s legal merits. For unparalleled legal representation call (877) 770-7379.

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