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Real Estate Law

sacramento-real-estate-law-attorneyTrust the Sacramento real estate lawyers at Kassouni Law to understand that real estate is often one of the largest investments a business or individual can make. It is with this knowledge that the attorneys at Kassouni Law handle both commercial and residential real estate cases.

Protecting our client’s assets and wealth is one of the foremost concerns at Kassouni Law. Our real estate attorneys have extensive experience representing property owners in all aspects of real estate law including litigation; Constitutional property rights; purchase and sale agreements; escrow disputes; land use; growth control regulations; and many other real estate matters.

One of the most common real estate disputes revolves around the submission of a transfer disclosure statement during the escrow process. This is a form that the seller of real estate must deliver to the buyer during the escrow process. This form requires the seller to disclose whether or not there are certain conditions that exist on the property which are typically important enough to potentially cause the buyer to back out, or at least cause he buyer to investigate conditions further. These include water intrusion, the existence of filled soil on the property, the existence of defects or malfunctions in the electrical, plumbing, and roofing systems; the existence of defects to the foundation, flooding and drainage problems, and the existence of a community association. It is vitally important that this document be reviewed in detail, preferably with a licensed general contractor, to determine whether additional detailed inspection is warranted. It is generally not advisable to simply rely on the cursory two hour home inspection, particularly if specific malfunctions or conditions have been noted. Special attention must be placed on any disclosure of settling, foundation, and moisture intrusion, and drainage problems, as these can be very costly. The buyer has only a limited period of time to back out of the transaction based upon these disclosures. If a condition exists which was not disclosed, the attorneys at Kassouni Law can assist in determining whether there are grounds for a lawsuit. The buyer can typically seek damages from the seller, or, in some circumstances, the entire rescission of the transaction.

Kassouni Law also has substantial experience in assisting property owners in the land use and development process, including the procurement of entitlements to build, California Environmental Quality Act requirements, zoning code requirements, and when necessary litigation against government entities for wrongful denial and/or delay in granting building permits or through growth control regulations.

Regardless of whether you decide to retain a real estate lawyer at Kassouni Law, know that it may be a good plan to select a lawyer who is capable of negotiating a settlement, or litigating a case. Willingness and experience to take a case through litigation to trial, often gives an upper hand in settlement resolution. Before retaining an attorney, ask about experience in litigation and the courtroom.

The seasoned real estate litigators at Kassouni Law often work on behalf of their clients to settle cases, and skillfully manage a case in the courtroom if necessary.

Easement Law
Trespass Law
Quiet Title