Posts Tagged: Appeal

What the Supreme Court’s Voting Rights Act Decisions Could Mean for the EPA’s New Clean Power Plan

The EPA’s recently developed “Clean Power Plan” is causing quite a bit of controversy. In a nutshell, the Plan does two things. First, the Plan requires states to adopt their own clean power plans to meet EPA greenhouse emissions reduction goals. If a state fails to adopt an emissions reduction plan that the EPA will… Read more »

Federal Ban on School Bake Sales & Vending Machines – Unconstitutional

Do you remember high school? Do those memories include eating cookies from charity bake sales held by student groups,  a candy bar from the vending machine while you were waiting for the bus, or (heaven forbid) a soda after football practice? Times have changed. Recent additions to the Code of Federal Regulations require that schools… Read more »

U.S. Supreme Court to Decide Whether Private Home Assistants Can be Compelled to Join a Union Against Their Will

Land use attorneys in Sacramento, CA and Los Angeles, CA

This term the US Supreme Court will have the opportunity to decide whether the state can force private home assistants to join a public employee union. Recently, the Court agreed to hear arguments from appeal lawyers in Harris v Quinn. That case challenges the constitutionality of an Illinois executive order that declared personal home assistants (i.e…. Read more »

Exhausting Administrative Remedies—A Brief Primer

Land use attorneys in Sacramento, CA and Los Angeles, CA

Mention the phrase “exhaustion of administrative remedies” and every land use lawyer and property rights attorney will confirm that it is one of the most important procedural requirements for a successful case, along with the statute of limitations and the ripeness doctrine.  This article will briefly explain the concept of “exhaustion of administrative remedies,” and… Read more »