Posts Tagged: Appellate Attorneys

Appellate Attorneys Review Horne v. Department of Agriculture

            The Agriculture Marketing Agreement Act of 1937 allows the United States Secretary of Agriculture to establish “marketing orders” to ensure stability in a variety of agricultural markets. The marketing order requiring raisin growers to turn over a percentage of their crop to the government free of charge is an allocation… Read more »

California Appeal Law Firm Analyzes Berkeley Hillside Preservation v. City of Berkeley : California Supreme Court Restores Common Sense to CEQA

Land Use Lawyer Los Angeles, CA 

In a major victory for the rights of property owners throughout the state, on March 2 the California Supreme Court in Berkeley Hillside Preservation v. City of Berkeley held that the construction of a single family home is categorically exempt from the requirement of the preparation of an environmental impact report (EIR) under the California Environmental… Read more »

Kassouni Law Prevails in Court of Appeal; Published Descision Sets Precedent

Unanimous Court of Appeal Decision Rebuffs County of San Diego’s Attempt to Deny Owner State Constitutional Tax Benefits After Property is Taken by Eminent Domain In a published precedent setting decision handed down on July 18, 2014, the Court of Appeal held that a property owner is entitled to the full protection of Proposition 3… Read more »

Kassouni Law Appeals Decision Undermining Proposition 3

Can the government retake just compensation that it was required to pay a property owner for a taking of private property if the property owner doesn’t use the compensation fast enough? Can a mere statute amend the California Constitution? The obvious answer to these questions is no. Yet, it is precisely these questions that are… Read more »